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6 Qualities every Christian should possess

Updated: Jan 17

A man after God's own heart- that is what the Bible says of King David, and I love King David and find him a significant influence from the Bible to follow as a Christian.

Here are some characteristics of King David that I think every Christian show possess.

1. He had a Repentant Heart

Each time David committed a sin he always goes before God and repented but with Godly repentance –meaning he never did the same sin over and over. God hates presumptuous sins. (Psalms 19:13)

2. He was Prayerful

He always seeks God in every decision making that he had, whether for himself or for the nation of Israel. This allowed him to always be victorious in all his battles and not make a mistake like what Joshua made with the Gibeonites, thinking that a matter was too small and could be dealt with on his own.

3. He was a just King

When David and some of his men went to recover their wives and properties that were stolen; the soldiers that went all the way with him were being cruel to the others that lost hope along the way and had given up, saying that they should only get their wives and none of the spoils. David dismissed this wicked thought of the men and allowed the others to receive some of the spoils recovered.

4. He was a Worshipper and a Warrior

Both of which every Christian needs to be. Many instances, you read in the old testament of how the Lord sent the worshippers before the army and sometimes this effect brought victory for them with them not doing much fighting as the Lord fought for them.

5. He was an Intercessor

David always intercedes on the people’s behalf even the ones who turned against him- many of the psalms share this.

6. He was not a slanderer

He never spoke evil of one of God’s chosen even when that person tried to kill him.(1 Samuel: 26 vs.9-10) a verse that I find reflects a wonderful quality that many of us need. All Christians are God’s anointed and even when they turn against you; we ought to pray for them. God may just be using them to usher you to where he wants you to be.

What did you think of the 6 qualities I listed?

How many from the list are you already exercising? Do you have others that are working for you that you could share, leave me a comment below. I would love to hear them.

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