Staring into the eyes of the man she loved, Ruth knew coming home was where she would make her fondest memories with her beloved Joshua. She was looking forward to their journey together as man and wife.
All their plans were interrupted when they were caught up in a terrible storm, and their boat crashed in an unknown area.
Although they were lost, it seemed as if destiny had brought them to this unfamiliar territory, and until they discovered what it was and fulfilled it, their future together would be put on hold.
"A story of spiritual warfare: the perpetual fight of good over evil in a paranormal setting with demonic forces attempting to overcome the Christians in the community. Marshalee Patterson has crafted an inspirational novel with a great plot and storyline, which I can envisage as a movie. The story draws you in and holds your attention as you want to know what the final outcome will be. Who will triumph? Will the evil forces of Abaddon defeat the Christians? Will Ruth and Joshua escape from Sodom Shadows and return to their home in Shiloh City? Suspense, action, intrigue and more, in this story which takes the reader to the realm where the struggle for supremacy takes place. Although in a fictional setting, the author makes it quite clear that evil forces exist in this literal world we live in and that a battle must be constantly fought in order to overcome and stay ahead of the forces of the devil."
- Claudette Brady-Beckford
"A very easy read which ended too soon. I wanted more! Loved that scriptures were included! I would love to see the couple engage in more spiritual battles. My faith grew with theirs!!"
-D. Williams
"This book shows just how easy it is to be manipulated and fall into the hands of the enemy. The author has done an excellent job in bringing together love, compassion, and following God's calling in a world that is full of Satan. This book will open your eyes to how easy it is to think that you're living for God while all along you are in fact living for the enemy. It is a real eye-opener with a twist of love and romance."
"This book is a bit different from your average Christian novel. I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw that it was a Christian Contemporary Romantic Suspense Thriller, but I was pleasantly surprised! This story came from the mind of the author, but she made the situations and struggles so real that you almost felt as if the characters were one of your friends or a relative. I always appreciate an author that can pull something like that off. What I also loved is that this book wasn't just a self-help book that tells you what to do in spiritual warfare. This book gives you a sort of demonstration of how to battle in real life! Awesome book!"
Be Prepared for Spiritual Battle
Click to watch a snippet from The Path of the Chosen Warriors about being ready for spiritual warfare