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How do we use the blood of Jesus in our lives?

Updated: Apr 12

Do you know the power that the blood of Jesus contains? Are you using it or know how to use it?

This morning the Lord gave me a vision and I had to share with everyone. I have always been able to see victory in my dreams fighting against spiritual forces. Sometimes I wonder how I know what to do, but somehow I always do, and what I learned in those dreams, I then apply to my life in the physical realm. It’s not the first time I dreamed, seeing myself using the blood of Jesus and each time it’s always the same way. When I do, it acts as a barrier against any force behind it—they can’t get past it even when it’s an open space. I want to tell you what I dreamed last night and hope that from now on, anyone who never knew how to use the Blood of Jesus will do now and start to apply it.

In my dream, I saw myself and another relative near the back door in a panic to close it, as a large group of toads was trying to get inside the house (in dreams, frog or toad are not good). One got inside and I grabbed the broom and knocked him out. We then got a piece of aluminum sheet to bar inside the door as there was like some space in the door that the toads could still get through.

How do we use the blood of Jesus in our lives

It was then I saw myself applying the blood of Jesus. This is what I did, I dipped the broom I was holding on some water as a painter would dip his brush in paint, and I started to brush it across the entire door and kept saying – “I apply the Blood of Jesus.” I went and did the same to the space that should have had windows but had none and wipe across the space that held no window. When I was done, I said to my relative, ‘look how those creatures are fighting to get past the blood and can’t.’ No matter where you apply the blood of Jesus, demons will never get pass or can touch. Remember how the children of Israel did it to the doorpost back in Egypt and the spirit of death could not enter? It’s the same way. I had been so emotionally down for the past two months and this dream gave me back my will to pray. I woke up applying the blood of Jesus to everything.

In all the dreams I have had about the blood, each time I begin to paint that blood across anything, I never literally see the blood, it just becomes a barrier/shield and you see all the forces of evil standing behind where you painted or applied the blood. The first dream I ever had of the blood of Jesus was when I was using it to build a wall of protection around my yard and after I did, I saw a demon standing on the other side of the walls asking me to let him in, which I refused. Demons don’t usually look the way you see them on television-they look like you and me, but in the spirit realm, you tend to know them; well I usually do.

There are three ways you can use the Blood of Jesus.

  1. You can apply the blood. This means to lay you hand on something and apply the blood of Jesus. For example important documents or your vehicle you want to protect from whatever enemy is trying to hinder you. You can say, "I apply the blood of Jesus to (insert name )."

  2. You can cover with the blood. This means anything you aren't able to touch with your hands or it may be far away from you. You can say when you pray, "I cover my family, our homes, my mind, my community etc."

  3. You can use as a barrier or shield. This is when you have a spiritual enemy that you want to block from your life, like witchcraft. You can say, "I place the blood of Jesus as a barrier between me and you spirit of witchcraft in the name of Jesus."

Start exercising your authority over the enemy and use the weapon of the blood that God gave to you. Apply it over all that matters to you and believe that it is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. It’s one of the greatest spiritual weapons you will ever have over the enemy. Don’t be like some Christians who are afraid to help themselves; walking around with everything the devil put on them and saying that it’s God’s will for them to be that way. Even so, exercise your faith in the power of the blood and see it work in other areas. Please leave a comment if you need help with anything concerning this or just your thoughts.

Check out this short video snippet from my spiritual warfare Fiction book-The Path of the Chosen Warriors and subscribe to my channel for more book content to help you grow spiritually.

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