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How to Protect your Children from their Spiritual Enemies

Updated: 2 days ago

Psalm 119 vs.9-12

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your statue!

As parents, we sometimes aren’t always there with our kids and they will need to learn to stand on their own and make good decisions. It’s for such reasons we are to teach them Godly values while they are still obedient to you.

But what if you are already doing all that and you see your children grow up wayward and you wonder what went wrong.

  • Did I not teach my child everything I know about God?

  • Show him/her how to pray and seek God?

Sometimes it’s the things we take for granted— like what our young kids tell us and we think it may be something they watched on television that sparked their imagination for some of the things they say. By this I mean, of people or things they see when we can’t, and we don’t pray about it and guard our child.

Or it could be their dreams.

We know the Bible story in Matthew 24-30, which tells us about the devil coming to sow tears among the wheat while men slept. “Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, an enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”

It is very important that as parents we are paying attention to this part of our children’s lives—the spiritual part. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and power and dreams show us the real enemies we face. (Ephesian 6:12)

What is the importance of dreams?

If you have ever read the Old Testament you would know that dreams were one of the ways God communicated with his people. Two examples of famous dreamers in the bible would be:

  1. Joseph whose dreams helped push him into a position to deliver Israel and Egypt from starving when the famine came.

  2. Daniel who dreamed of the coming destruction of the Babylonian kingdom among other things, some of which have yet to be fulfilled.

Now there are three different types of dreams for anyone who doesn’t know. As parents, we ought to know the differences in order to guard or defend our children’s dreams and their lives.

You may ask, then, how do I know the difference between Godly dreams and satanic dreams?

When I was writing my spiritual warfare adventure book—“The Path of the Chosen Warriors,” dreams were a major theme in that book. I needed to let readers see the importance of their dreams and to take them seriously. It was then that God started teaching me more about the meaning of dreams through the ministry—Fire Power Ministry, which is where I started learning how to do spiritual warfare and turning scriptures into weapons against the enemy. It was there that I learned the different types of dreams and how to know the difference—although I could recognize some, there was so much more I learned. So what are they?

3 Types of Dreams we have

  1. Godly Dreams — these you will recognize because they will encourage, assure, comfort, direct, instruct, guide, correct, and reveal things to you.

  2. Satanic Dreams — these are what most people hate or sometimes don’t even know they are bad: you can easily identify them as they seem absurd or leave you confused. Often, they are mysterious and terrifying.

  3. Fleshy Dreams — these we usually get from thinking about something all day and then dreaming about it.

Now, what do you do when you or your children get these dreams?

You pray.

In my book—The Path of the Chosen Warriors, I wrote this prayer that Ruth prayed to protect her Godly dreams until they manifested, and you can pray it over yours or your children’s dreams. Just personalize it and insert the dream you or your child had.

Prayer to protect your Godly Dreams:

Father, my source of life and happiness, my strength and my shield, I thank you. Thank you for your favour in giving me the desire of my heart with Josh. I command this dream to manifest by the fire of God in the name of Jesus. I cover and barricade it with the Blood of Jesus, and I call forth angels to smite all the enemies of this dream with the sword of fire in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

For any satanic dreams that you have, you need to cancel it. You can use this simple prayer in case you don’t know how to do so. I still use it and added in my book as well.

Prayer to cancel Satanic Dreams:

I cancel that negative dream I just had about ___ (fill in the blanks) in the name of Jesus. I decree that it shall NOT manifest in the physical in Jesus’ name. I release the fire of God on every satanic actor in that dream. I plead the blood of Jesus and I hold up the banner of victory in Christ Jesus. Let the angels of the LORD go on a “search and destroy” mission in the land of the living and of the dead … to destroy every power, spirit, personality, device, or animal programmed to attack me in the dream and reclaim all that was stolen from me. Henceforth, let nothing trouble me in the dream for I bear on my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen”

I will include a link at the end of this post to a website where you can find a lot of resources about different dreams that you may have and don’t understand. The owner is also from the warfare ministry of Mountain of Fire Ministry as Power Fire Ministry, which is their foundation but his ministry specializes in dreams. You will learn scriptures and prayers for every kind of dream. It is where I go to get information on a dream in case I don’t understand it or want some prayers I can use to fight my enemies.

So now that you know:

  • The importance of dreams.

  • Different types of dreams.

  • A prayer to protect your good dreams.

  • And a prayer to cancel satanic ones.

  • And a link at end of this post to give you lots of resources to pray and protect your dreams.


3 Vital Tips to protect your children from their Spiritual Enemies

1. Buy a journal for your children as soon as they can read and write and tell them to write down their dreams in it each morning when they wake up, so they don’t forget and this is for your benefit. Let them know it’s important that they do so. Do this also for older kids as well if they are grown up.

2. Your job is to check what they wrote and pray over it. If you have some knowledge of understanding dreams then you will know whether it is a Godly dream or a satanic dream. If you don’t, then check the link below and learn about it. It will show you what course of action to then take.

3. Also, whatever you learn about their dreams, share with them. Tell them what their dreams mean so they are aware and their spirit-man will be alert to resist the enemy while they are sleeping. Read with them protection Psalms before bed every night as some parents read bedtime stories to kids. The Bible is supposed to be the last meal of the night. Psalms 91 is a good one to start with. There are many more, like Psalm 23, which I grew up praying every night and saw it fight for me in my dreams. When you are finished reading, cover them with the Blood of Jesus. You can pray a simple prayer so they can learn to pray themselves too.

I used to teach my niece and nephew this one simple prayer. “God cover me, my dreams and my family with the Blood of Jesus.”

It makes it easier for them to remember, than teaching them a long prayer when the covering of the Blood of Jesus is all they need.

Originally this post was just to be about scriptures to safeguard our children, but after writing a post about breaking Satan’s hold on our children and seeing that post alone has gotten me, 190 subscribers, in 8 days and still counting, I realize how many parents struggle with seeing their children under satanic bondage. I thought my case with my nephew was just me. So this post is to help give you more to protect them with.

Here is the link to the website with all the resources on dreams:

Question: Do you now see the importance of guarding your children’s dreams and are you willing to go that extra mile to guard them with my recommendation?

This video was created from my book "The Path of the Chosen Warriors" mentioned above in this post. It explains a lot about the significance of our dreams through one of the characters which I know you will find very interesting to watch and learn from. Please take a few minutes to watch this short video and gain a better understanding of dreams, then you will see the importance of watching over your children's dreams. Let me know in the comments of the video what you thought of the video too.

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