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Are you waiting on God to Fulfill His Promises?

Updated: 1 day ago

In The Path of the Chosen Warriors, Joshua, one of the main characters and among the most spiritual in the book, demonstrates a profound example of unwavering faith. Although he was blessed with the opportunity to attend college, he chose to forgo it to care for his father, whose health had deteriorated. Joshua’s close relationship with the Lord set him apart from others in his community, giving him deep insight into God’s ways. Because of this, many sought him out for spiritual guidance.

waiting on god

Even when faced with personal sacrifices, Joshua stayed faithful. For instance, he encouraged his best friend, Ruth, to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor, even though it meant she would leave while he stayed behind. He didn’t allow his situation to lead him into despair or bitterness. Unlike many of us, who might grumble against God or lose hope when things don’t go as planned, Joshua trusted God and waited patiently for His promises.

When you build a close relationship with Christ as Joshua did, you learn to trust Him even in challenging times. This was evident in Joshua’s life throughout the book. Despite the ridicule and temptations from women in his community—many of whom mocked him because he refused their advances—Joshua stood firm in his faith. He held onto a promise from God that the woman meant for him was not among them. Even though he was human and had natural desires, he trusted God’s timing and remained faithful to the promise.

I can relate to Joshua’s experience in this regard. God once told me that He had chosen a specific person for me, which helped me understand that sometimes God does have someone uniquely chosen for us. While scripture teaches us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, the Lord also revealed to me that “not every Christian is for you.” This revelation inspired Joshua’s story in the book.

This is why I believe it is so important to always seek God’s guidance when choosing a spouse. It’s not enough to simply choose someone because they’re a Christian; we need to seek the Lord’s wisdom in every decision. When you have a close walk with God and meditate on His Word, He will guide you, especially in moments of uncertainty. This is how many of my characters come to life. God’s Word often provides me with clarity and inspiration just when I need it most.

It amazes me how the God of the universe listens so attentively to each of us. I speak to Him as my Father, and this relationship fills me with joy, inspiring me to write books like this. It’s such a blessing to share these thoughts and experiences with others, and hearing how the books impact even one person would be rewarding enough for me.

So, don’t rush into decisions. Seek the Lord first, and wait on Him. He will answer in His perfect timing. Though it might be tempting to try to solve your problems your own way, trust in Christ as your Shepherd, and He will direct your path. He speaks to us through His Word—our spiritual food—so feed on it daily, just as you would physical food. When life feels overwhelming, pray. And when anxiety creeps in after you pray, meditate on scriptures about patience and casting your cares on the Lord.

Remember, God is faithful, and He will fulfill His promises. Trust Him and wait.


💡 Ready to Go Deeper in Your Faith?

Discover how to trust God’s promises, overcome spiritual challenges, and walk boldly in faith. My book, The Path of the Chosen Warriors, offers a powerful journey of faith and spiritual warfare, set in a gripping fictional story. As a special gift, I’m offering you a FREE PDF of the first five chapters to begin this transformational journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain spiritual insights and practical steps to live victoriously!

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