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Do you seek the Lord before you act?

Updated: Apr 12

Today I was thinking of what scripture to feed my spirit with, and Joshua 9 came to mind. I remember when I first read it, it opened my eyes to how important seeking the lord is before we make any major decision.

seek the lord

If you haven’t read that story, it’s about the inhabitants of Gibeon—who having heard how God had given the children of Israel victory over their enemies, in the land He had promised them, deceived the Israelites into thinking they were strangers from a far-off land coming to make a league with them, in order to save the lives of their people.

The first verse speaks of how the enemies of the Israelites joined forces against them. This taught me that even when God gives you victory over one enemy, that enemy doesn’t always stay down, which is why sometimes we find more than one thing coming against us at once (as some people like to say—when it rains, it pours) But reading this verse, doesn’t it give you some encouragement to know that God is with you and all you need to do is keep seeking Him to know His strategy to continue having victory, even against the joint forces of your enemies.


seek the lord

The main part of the chapter was about how the children of Israel messed up with the Gibeonites. It was this part of the chapter that taught me no matter how small a matter is, consulting God I crucial. 

And the men took of their victuals, and ASK NOT COUNSEL at the mouth of the Lord. (Joshua 9:14)

The Israelites believed the Gibeonites because of how they looked, and how old and mouldy their food supplies looked. It never occurred to them that it could be a trick of the enemy because they were so used to facing their enemies with violence or physical warfare.

Some enemies come with familiarity, bearing gifts to appeal to our good nature— as the Gibeonites did. I can understand people wanting to save their own lives and would go to any length to do so, which is why we need to always be on our guard and seek the Lord who sees all and knows all. 

You would never see a demon; whether, vampires, werewolves or witches come to you in their true form in order to worm their way into your lives. They come looking the way they know would appeal to your senses. This is why you see so many of what used to be hated and reviled in past movies, now glamourized and humanized to force people to embrace them as normal. And before you know it just as how the Gibeonites became bonded to the Israelites because of the oath they made, so many people find themselves in bondage and forming covenants with Satan through many things they watch without consulting whether God wants them to or not.

seek the lord

Joshua and the children of Israel faced physical enemies, today we face enemies that are spiritual. When I was a child, I loved seeing magical shows with good witches against bad ones, even vampires and werewolves. I remember reading about parents who wouldn’t let their children watch Disney and I couldn’t understand why at the time. Growing up I loved movies such as True Blood and Vampire Dairies.  

Many nights I would dream of seeing myself flying like a witch and even chanting spells-although simple things, like causing things to move. Some of you might even be having those as well and thinking it’s because you watched the series or a similar show, but this is where we are deceived. Dreams tell us about our spiritual condition and seeing such things are signs that you are in a covenant with witchcraft and don’t even know it.

It wasn’t until I started reading more of the word and seeing verses such as: Suffer not a witch to live-Exodus 22:18 that opened my understanding and helped me to walk away from all that and even made me see the reason why some parents keep their kid from watching Disney as mentioned earlier.

I had to cut off watching shows with such being and started renouncing any association I had with them to break free. Remember you don’t have to literally say you want to have a connection into the realm of witchcraft to be drawn into it. A door can be opened by simply watching a movie with witchcraft promotion.

If you don’t deal with it and start to renounce all associations and covenants with such beings—like Joshua and the Israelites you will find yourself bonded to them, but in our cases, we could be like the Gibeonites having no control over your lives.

My second book-The Path of the Chosen Warriors deals a lot with spiritual bondage. The townspeople of Sodom Shadows gain wealth from the demon god -Abaddon but had no idea how much control they gave up. This book will give you much spiritual insight and show you ways you can be demonized with some steps to be free.

It's written in a fictional setting so readers can see the practical demonstration of the prayers and scriptures used to be free. So while one enemy comes loud and visible for you to be on your guard at their approach, some are sneaky and more deadly. And for those, we need to always remember to seek the Lord.

To receive a free pdf of the first five chapters from- The Path of the Chosen Warriors click here

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section and please reshare this post if you were blessed by it and know someone who well.

seek the lord

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