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What makes good Christian fiction?

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

The rule of making a good Christian fiction is to never start a novel without the Holy-Spirit leading you to write, and without His guidance. That way you will be divinely inspired and working according to the will of God. You would be now allowing the Lord to use you for the purpose He gave you the gift- to minister.

What makes good Christian fiction

Creation teaches us and the Bible confirms that God is the First creator and everything He creates has been counterfeited and even polluted by the devil.

Many Christians are so ashamed to read, think or even talk about romance and sex, thinking that it is wrong for them to appreciate the blessing of it. This is because they don’t know the word, and as the bible says in Hosea; ‘my people perish because of lack of knowledge.’ I use to be like those and it was when my deceased husband and I use to read the word together we one day discover the Songs of Solomon and took turns reading it the same way lovers would to each other and while reading we were so surprise by some of what we saw in this book of poetry.

3 Ways Christian Authors can minister to readers through their books

(1) Give readers a clearer picture of what our relationship with Christ should be.

What makes good Christian fiction

When two Christians get married and they feel the unconditional love between each other; it’s God’s way to help us understand the relationship between Christ and His bride the church.

Even sex which is a covenant gift from God for marriages is a symbolic representation of the intimacy we have with Christ.

Readers will become now aware and accepting that romance was originated from the creator, which will remove the feeling of guilt and be more appreciative of its blessing without letting the perversion of the world rob them of giving themselves completely to their spouse as the Bible teaches.

(2) Demonstrate how to submit to God

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Likewise, husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her it (Ephesians 5 vs:22&25).

For Christian romance writers, this is the principle on which we must create characters, not by our own understanding but by the manual’s guidance.

When we use the principles in the Bible to build our characters, we help readers understand the ways in which we ought to treat each other in relationships. This, in turn, helps them to be more submissive to God.

(3) Teach through example

God allows all of us to experience temptations, trials and hardships and with the help of His Spirit within us, He helps us persevere and not give up so that when He delivers us we can be His instruments to bring light to others.

The journey of our characters should demonstrate this with all the scripture references and prayers we found helpful in our own journeys so that the readers will find the same strength through theirs as we did. To be a Christian writer isn't just to entertain; it is first to minister.

Christ taught parables or stories but as entertaining as they are, they were used to help those of us who take a longer time to become spiritually mature.

What is a good Christian fiction book to read?

Try to find books that aren't afraid to paint a picture of what's real. One's that share scriptures with you through the character's and even teach you prayers to help you grow. Too many Christians want authors to write books that makes them escape reality rather than help them face it and deal with it. Some reviewers will mention this in their reviews of the books they read.

It's through experiences I often wish to stay buried that God always causes me to build my characters. Most are painful to relive but when we remember that what the devil meant for evil, God will turn it for our good and His glory, we will realize that even our worst experiences are able to bring heal and restoration to another. Also, what I discover too is that when I act in obedience and write about hard topics it brings healing and closure to me too. So a good fiction book will not only help the reader but it edifies the author as well. You can find 10 realistic fiction here on this list. 10 Realistic Christian Fiction Books

Would you be interested in an exclusive free download of the first five chapters of two of my books-both have lots of spiritual warfare and romance as well?.

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What makes good Christian fiction

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