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What is the necessity of the Word of God?

Updated: 7 days ago

WE ALL HAVE SINNED (Romans 3:23)

Yes, that includes you my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is why we need to meditate on the word of God daily, just as God commanded Joshua to do in Joshua 1:8.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

It is the word of God, which transforms us into the image of Christ—giving us the mindset of Christ and helps us walk in his power and authority.

Most importantly, it reveals the sinful nature in us, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to overcome. (Titus 3:5) We should be repenting daily—even if we cannot pinpoint any major sin. Start your prayer each day by asking God to forgive you for known and unknown sins.

Remember when Jesus was on the cross, He felt that separation from His father because of all the sins that were upon him.

I always say it is better to ask God to forgive you even if you cannot identify any sin. Always keep into account what Roman 3:23 says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” It is better to be safe than sorry.

So to all my brothers and sisters in Christ who have the mentality of kids who goes to school, never taking notes, and only retain whatever the teacher teaches on a subject. Your relationship with Christ will not grow on someone else’s word alone—you need to read the Word of God for yourself too. This way you will know if the spiritual leader you sit under is false or not. We need to be vigilant and sober in these times.

Remember the only way we will make it to heaven is by:

  1. Knowing the Truth (reading the word for yourself)

  2. Walking in Righteousness (allowing the word to led you)

  3. Living in Holiness (being transformed through the word into a vessel for God’s Spirit to STAY)

Now, to my unsaved friends reading this post, don’t think God isn’t looking out for you too. He wants you to make heaven too. Sending His only son-Jesus to die, was not just for the Jews, but Gentiles too, which are most of us.

Romans 2:14-15 says, “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness.”

What does this mean? It means that God wrote His laws in your heart, as well as everyone else’s so that when sin arises in your life, even though you don’t know Him or have a relationship with Him, His spirit through your conscience will convict you of that sin and let you know it is wrong.

The problem is this, because you are in the world, brought up with worldly ideas, sometimes when the Lord brings conviction of that sin, we are caught between a rock and a hard place.

Let me explain.

Say for example you found yourself dabbling in masturbation, and the spirit of God convicts you of this but at the same time, you read articles from doctors saying it’s healthy, now you’re in a dilemma.

That is where I found myself too when I struggled with my addiction. You can read about it in a post I wrote two weeks ago showing how I overcame it. How to break an addiction.

You see because you do not have the word of God/the Bible; you do not have that confirmation to tell you that what you sense inside, is God prompting you of something sinful. The devil knows this and uses things of the world to bring confusion, which causes you to dismiss what the Spirit of God was telling you.

If you doubt that the Spirit of God was convicting you, then think of this.

How can so many nations, both Christian and Non-Christian alike all have the same laws in their constitution which they consider to be worthy of either death or imprisonment? Where did that knowledge come from? Wouldn’t it make sense now to believe that God imprints His commandments in all of us?

With that in mind, the next time you find yourself convicted of something; remember where the conviction came from. Instead of giving in to the way of the world and go deeper in that sin, to the point where you stop hearing God, get a bible and grow in the knowledge of the one who created you.

God did not send his Son to die for some. He loves us all even those who turn to something as vile as witchcraft. Remember God does not hate you it is the sin he hates. The devil likes to tell people that their sin/s are too great for God to forgive, but that is a lie. The only sin that God calls unforgivable is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit; which is any sin that a person clings to, by continually resisting the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. (Matt 12:31)

Romans chapter 1 explains in detail about those who reject God’s truth for lies, but it was more for Christians since the unsaved would not know the truth without the word.

There is no person on this earth who can say they never got convicted for something wrong that they did. The reason you see all the evil things that happen in the world where many like to ask this question–Where is God? Or why doesn’t God do something?

Well now you know that He does do something but when you are in the world surrounded by worldly ideas of what is considered right from wrong, you many times quench the Spirit of God to the point as said earlier, where you stop being convicted. God does step back after a while if you continually refuse to let go of that sin and its reason as such why you see the rise of all kinds of evil in the land.

So don’t be too quick to say God does not love us otherwise he wouldn’t let all these things happen. It is our rebellion, which causes the evil you see around us.

My advice to everyone who reads this post is this: when you pray, ask God to fill you with HIS LOVE. This way when you meet people who hate you or even those who come to kill you, you can pour God’s love in their lives and break down all the walls around them.

I have come to learn that not everyone you see doing evil, do it because they hate God, but because they could not get love from their own families or people who should represent God.

Let God’s light shine through you. We are called to be the salt of the earth. Do you see what the devil does to both Christians and Non-Christians alike: he turns everyone against each other to bring hatred in all. Where there is no love—there can be no victory.

Jesus gave us love, inspite of us hating him. It was how he saved us. John 3:16 declares this; read it.

It makes sense when Jesus commands us to love our enemies or do good for those who hate us. It is a spiritual thing and we have to look past the natural and walk in love. Pray earnestly for it- trust me it brings so much peace in your battles.

To any unsaved person who may feel led to invite Jesus into their lives, here is a prayer to receive him as your Lord and Saviour. Remember, though it’s necessary to join a church, never leave your spiritual growth in the hands of your minister alone. Go into prayer and ask the Lord to teach you about him and help you understand his word.

Dear Jesus,

I am a sinner and I acknowledge all my sins against you. Forgive me for my sins. I turn my back on my sins and I renounce and reject every spirit that has me bound and break myself loose from their evil influence and stronghold. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and that God the Father raised him on the third day. I now surrender my life and my will to your purpose for me being here on earth and thank you for the Holy –Spirit you have placed inside of me sealing me to the father who will guide me into my divine destiny. Please come now into my heart and be my Saviour in Jesus’ name. Amen

Check out this short video snippet from my book Life's Journey our Great Test about the Light vs. Darkness. You can subscribe to the Youtube channel as well to grow more on your spiritual walk.

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