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Jan 8, 2022
Would you ever consider eating snails?
Have you ever wondered why some nations eat food that we westerners considered gross? Or if they consider some for what we enjoy as gross...
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Jan 6, 2022
What is our spiritual role in the lives of our children?
Before writing my book A Shattered Life Restored , I always dreamed of having a son. I even gave him a name—David. I would often rub my...
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Jan 5, 2022
What makes good Christian fiction?
The rule is to never start a novel without the Holy Spirit leading you  to write and guiding your steps. This ensures your work is...
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Dec 29, 2021
What does it mean to fall into sin?
Falling into sin means giving in to temptations that lead us away from God. It happens when we ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit...
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Dec 25, 2021
Why do Christian write fiction?
Have you ever wondered why Christians write stories or novels? Why do we sometimes pretend to be perfect, especially when we know we...
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Dec 20, 2021
Learn how to let go of past hurt and move forward?
Have you ever experienced something from your past that hurt you so deeply that you still struggle to let go of it? Well, you’re not...
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Dec 16, 2021
Why do men walk away from God?
There are countless reasons why people choose to walk away from God, and often they have a justification for doing so. Some common...
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